SEND Parent Parliament February 2024

In February we asked the SEND Parent Parliament their views on 

Mass SEND Training for every member of staff

What should this training look like and what should it include?

The results have now been colated 

What should this training look like and what should it include?
  • Sign Posting Training for Staff: It would be beneficial for staff to receive training on signposting parents to navigate SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) support. This training could help staff resolve issues early and provide solutions to parents. Often, staff lack awareness of available support services both nationally and locally.

  • Transitioning Options: Staff should have detailed knowledge of transitioning options from childhood to adulthood. Additionally, they need to understand the provision of these options in a timely manner.

  • LSA Training: Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) need training to understand EHCPs better. This knowledge will enable them to effectively support children in reaching their full potential.

  • Communication Skills: Training on better communication with families is essential.

  • Understanding SEND and Behavioural Challenges: Staff should be familiar with topics covered in parent courses, including sensory processing, emotional and behavioural dysregulation, the iceberg analogy, understanding anxiety, and techniques to support children.

  • Support Staff Importance: Support staff should receive this training as their role is crucial.

  • Disability Awareness: Staff should have knowledge of various disabilities, possible triggers, and how to provide emotional and physical support. They should also know how to approach children with SEN both verbally and physically.

  • Sensory Overload Awareness: All staff members need to understand sensory overload and its impact on children.

  • SEN Videos: Staff should collectively watch SEN videos (e.g., dealing with autism) from the Social Communication Team to enhance their understanding and engagement.

  • Autistic Perspective Training: All school staff to complete this training.

  • Understanding Autism in Girls Training: Focusing specifically on girls, this training explores the unique ways autism manifests in females and its knock on effects

  • Trauma Training for All Staff

  • Great Behaviour Breakdown Training: All school staff to be trained.

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